"Pete Scazzero's work invites us into a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus that has the power to transform our lives, and the world. I love the way that this book encourages us to understand the profound value of slowing down in order to rest and abide in Jesus, so that we can allow the work of the Holy Spirit to shape our lives, and guide our participation in the mission of the Church. He calls us, as Christ's followers, to embrace suffering, grief, and loss in a way that brings spiritual growth and transformation, to understand our limits, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities as a gift, and to understand the profound value of slowing down seek to rest and abide in Jesus first and foremost - to take time to 'be' with God before we ever set out to 'do' things for God. This book is a wonderful resource for the church as we seek to be a community of people who love and serve the Lord out of the overflow of His grace and the power of His Spirit at work in us and through us."
--Trish Haq, Pastor of Care
This book is available to borrow at the North Park library, open Sundays from 10:00-11:00am & 12:10-12:30pm