The North Park Community Church logo is a green triangle with two crosses on it.


Through prayer we come to know God and to be known by Him. Prayer draws us into deeper relationship with God, and invites His grace, His forgiveness, His healing, and His mighty power to actively transform our lives and our world.

We have many ways for you to participate in prayer at North Park, and we believe that prayer makes a powerful difference in the midst of our struggles and hardships.

Let us know how we can pray for you.

Submit your request here.

A white arrow pointing down in a black circle on a white background.

Be joyful in hope patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Romans 12:12

Prayer Gatherings

Prayer is a foundational way that we engage in a life-changing and transforming relationship with God. It is uniquely meaningful and powerful when we join together as a community for prayer.

For one hour, we'll begin with a time of prayer together that could include moments of praise and thanksgiving, devotionals thoughts, music, scripture readings, and intercessory prayer for the needs we are aware of in the world. Following this, those who wish to stay will have the opportunity to gather in a smaller group to share and pray more specifically based on the prayer requests that are shared.

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There are many ways to pray. You may already have a format that works well for you as you connect with God through your personal prayer time. This prayer guide is intended to provide an example for those looking for help in shaping their prayer time.

I Weekly Prayer Letter Email

Our weekly Prayer Letter invites you into prayer for the needs of our community, our NPGO partners, leaders and influencers serving throughout London, and across the globe, and the many ministries we have at North Park. You will also periodically receive urgent prayer requests for needs that are more time-sensitive, as well as bereavement notices in order to provide prayer support to those in our church community who are grieving a loss.

Sign up below to receive a prayer update by email each Thursday afternoon.

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