This means that we don't belong to a specific denominational group, but we unite with Christians from all corners of the world and throughout history in recognizing and affirming the faith expressed in the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed.
We believe God desires that all people experience the love and grace of Jesus, and with this invites His people to participate creatively with Him in His work of transformation.
As a result, we want to Inspire, Support and Mobilize one another to live like Jesus as a transforming and life-giving presence in our families, communities and the world.
Life Transformation
Always growing to be more like Jesus, allowing Him to transform our motives, thoughts, and actions.
Being deeply connected to one another in caring and truth-telling relationships.
Living on Mission
Going beyond ourselves and extending the love and message of Jesus to our homes, workplaces, communities and the world.
Practical, Relevant Faith
Bringing what is written in the Bible to the realities of our culture and practically applying its truths to our everyday lives.
Gratitude & Generosity
Being released from the bonds of consumerism as we respond extravagantly with generosity and deep gratitude for all God provides.
Embracing each other, regardless of life situation or brokenness as we journey toward Life Transformation.
There is one true God, the creator and sustainer of all that is, who exists eternally in three persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
God’s original creation was perfect, but the first humans sinned against God by willful disobedience and passed on a corrupted nature to all humanity. Our sin alienates us from God and brings us under his condemnation.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, was born of the virgin Mary, is truly divine and truly human, yet is without sin.
Jesus died in our place, reconciling sinful humanity to God, and offers salvation as a gift received by faith.
Jesus was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and is the mediator between humanity and God the Father.
The Holy Spirit, who is the eternal Spirit of God, leads people to repentance, lives in them, and is transforming them to be more like Jesus.
The Church is made up of all believers, who are adopted into the family of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to worship God, build one another up, share the gospel, and promote justice and love in the world.
The writings of the Old and New Testaments comprise the divinely inspired, fully trustworthy, supreme and sufficient authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
Jesus Christ will return, bringing about the resurrection of the dead, the judgment of all people, and the consummation of God’s glorious eternal kingdom.
Hear from North Parkers share their experiences of being at North Park and their insights on its history and future.
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