With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
2. Who is someone that you would say you are currently partnering or mentoring with in faith? How old are they? In what ways are you helping to shape their faith in Jesus?
3. Which question did you find harder to answer -- who has mentored you?...or who are you mentoring? Why do you think this is?
4. Read 2 Timothy 1:5. What does this verse speak to you about the importance of family and a community of faith coming alongside each other to develop and grow in faith? How has this combination of home and church contributed to your own spiritual development? Growing an ability to hear from God requires the disciplines of solitude and silence. Do you make time for this in your life? Why or why not?
5. Discuss the five partnering and mentoring principles that were discussed in the sermon (listed below). Which one has helped you the most? Which one have you struggled with the most? Why?
Be willing to be honest and authentic.
Be willing to communicate often and ongoing.
Be willing to participate and share.
Be willing to explore and engage.
Be willing to question and grow.
6. Read Acts Chapter 9. Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus is an amazing story of someone blinded to the kingdom of God coming into obedient service to the kingdom of God. What stands out to you about what God asks of Ananias (v.10-19)? Compare this to Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:43-48. What truths is God speaking to you through these verses.
7. What lessons in life and faith is God teaching you through this message that you can apply to your life this week?
Take a few moments to read and reflect on
Psalm 86:11. Ponder the ways that God is calling you to walk according to truth. Spend a moment in prayer asking God to reveal to you someone that you need to partner/mentor with more closely in following Jesus.
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