To Proclaim and Practice the Living Christ
Isaiah 7:1-9:7
December 8, 2024
Joel Miles
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
Understanding Isaiah's Prophecies
1. Reflection on Key Verses
- Read Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6.
- Did you realize these two verses are part of the same broader passage in Isaiah?
- How are these verses typically understood?
2. Context of Isaiah 7:14
- Read Isaiah 7:1–12.
- What is the historical and narrative context leading up to Isaiah 7:14?
- How does this context shape our understanding of the prophecy?
3. Exploring Isaiah’s Message
- Read Isaiah 7:13–19.
- What is Isaiah communicating in this passage?
- How do these verses expand on the significance of the prophecy in 7:14?
4. Fulfillment and Implications of Prophecy
- Read Isaiah 8:1–10.
- How is Isaiah’s prophecy initially fulfilled here?
- Based on this passage and 7:13–19, what does it mean to have “God with us”?
5. God's Presence and Human Sinfulness
- Reflect on how God’s presence interacts with sin and humanity throughout Scripture.
- Why does God’s presence often bring judgment?
- In Isaiah 8:22, why does it describe only darkness, distress, and gloom when looking to the earth?
6. Promise of Hope
- Read Isaiah 8:22–9:7.
- What promise is given in these verses?
- How will the darkness, distress, and gloom be overturned?
7. Judgment and Salvation in “God with Us”
- Consider how “God with us” can represent both judgment and salvation.
- How does the cross of Jesus embody this dual reality?
- In what ways does the cross reveal both the sinfulness of humanity and the loving heart of God?