Genesis 4
Joel Miles
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
2. How are we tempted to rely on our work rather than God's timing?
3. Why was Cain's offering not acceptable to God? Why did this make him angry? How do we often act the same way as Cain?
4. Read Genesis 4:6. What is God warning Cain against in this verse? How is this similar to Genesis 3:1-13?
5. How does 4:6 define sin?
6. Where do we see the distortion of our world through today?
7. How does Cain's building of a city, and the story of Lamech show a distortion of creation and our continued lack of faith in God?
8. Read Genesis 4:25-26. How do these verses end by giving us hope amidst the darkness? How can we call on the name of the Lord today?
9. In what way has Jesus crushed the head of the serpent? How is Jesus' work so different than Genesis 4?
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