Suffering Glory
Karen Bird
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
2. Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives. Do you have a usual evening routine? Do you wish you did? If so, where would it be?
3. What excites you most about the setting and backdrop of this scene? What surprised
you? (Hints: Convenience to Jerusalem? Familiarity? Protection? The view? King David’s rejection and betrayal? Zechariah’s prophecy? Ascension? The garden?)
4. Recall some diabolical offensives from Satan that Biblical characters have faced. What is Satan trying to accomplish through these temptations? Why? Do you think you face diabolical offensives?
5. Jesus met temptation with prayer and urged his disciples to do the same. How does prayer help us stand against temptation? What if we don’t pray?
6. How human does Jesus seem to you? Do you think his path of suffering was any easier considering the reality that he was fully man, but also fully God?
7. How do you feel about the idea of a weak Jesus? How might weakness be different than humility, submission, and self-giving love?
8. Is it surprising to you that Jesus agonized in prayer for something but was not granted what he wanted? Is anyone in your group able to share a similar experience?
9. Have you ever noticed anything redemptive in your experience of suffering that you would be willing to share with your group?
10. In what practical way can you practice giving your allegiance to God rather than allegiance to self this week?
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