Suffering Glory
Hebrews 4 & 5
Jordan Elgie
March, 10 2024
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
- What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “hold firm to the faith we profess”? Have you ever thought of faith as something we “profess” before?
- What are the ways in which faith and ‘certainty’ differ? What about faith and doubt?
- When was the last time you really considered what it might mean that God became a human? How comfortable are you with the idea that something to do with our faith might be a “mystery”?
- We may often think of Jesus’s divinity, but have you thought recently about Jesus humanity? What might this mean for how Jesus can “empathize with us” in our weakness?
- Have you ever done something really hard for the sake of others? What was the experience like? With this in mind, how do you now think of the suffering Jesus endured on our behalf? What stirs in you when you think of suffering, on your sake, being an essential part of Jesus mission in the world?