Joel Miles
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
2. Why is understanding that Abraham's line was chosen not just for their own sake, but for the sake of others, important for how we understand something like the crossing of the Red Sea?
3. Do we usually think about God in light of his works of salvation? Read Exodus 6:2-8. How does this text explain why God had his people suffer under the hand of Egypt? How does this highlight the significance of the Red Sea crossing for understanding God?
4. Read Exodus 13:17-18 and 14:5-12. Why were the Israelites so afraid? Can you relate to this kind of fear?
5. Read Exodus 14:13-14. What is good about Moses' response? What is wrong about it? In what misguided ways do we often look for God to save us?
6. How did God save his people in Exodus 14, and how is this different and greater than what they expected?
7. Why does this story of salvation stil leave us looking for a greater or second Exodus?
8. Read Mark 10:35-45. How has Jesus accomplished this salvation? How has he taken us through deep waters? How has he called us to follow him on that path from death to life?
9. What would it look like for you to follow Jesus through deep waters?
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