Suffering Glory
Easter Sunday 2024
Joel Miles
March, 31 2024
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
- Read Luke 23:56-24:1. In these verses Luke uses words that evoke the creation account of the world. Why do you think this is significant for Luke to do when beginning to tell the account of Jesus rising from the dead?
- Read Luke 24:1-8. Why did the women go to the tomb? Were they expecting Jesus to be there? What do you think it would have truly been like to be these women? Have you ever longed to experience something like this?
- The word used in 24:7 concerning Jesus’ resurrection clearly means that Jesus rose bodily from the grave. Why is this important?
- Read Luke 24:9-12. Why did this seem like nonsense to the disciples? How was death viewed at that time?
- Read Luke 24:13-24. How did these disciples view the effect of Jesus’ death? How did it affect their view of him?
- How do we normally think of heroes? How is this similar to how the disciples in this text thought of Jesus?
- How does Jesus respond to the disciples in Luke 24:25-27? Compare these verses to Luke 24:7. Both times the text says it was “necessary” for Jesus’ to suffer and die before rising again. Why did Jesus have to die and suffer for us before entering into his glory?
- What does Jesus’ death and suffering for us, and his resurrection mean for our lives? How does it give us hope amidst our pain and suffering?