Celebrating the Empty Tomb
Children's Ministry Service
April 7, 2024
In lieu of Points to Ponder (owing to the nature of the April 7 service), we have a few suggestions to consider for your group time.
- Would you take some extra time to pray for: one another; for North Park; and in light of the service, especially for the Children's Ministry and the open Children's Ministry staff position to be filled?
- We'll be returning to the Hebrew Sermon Series on April 21. Viewing "The Book of Hebrews" by the Bible Project would be a great preparation to go back into that series. Just google: "The Bible Project Hebrews" or click the link https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/hebrews/. It's just over 8 minutes long.
- This might just also be a great opportunity to spend some extra time catching up and connecting with one another. Enjoy!
Thank you for all you are doing with and for your group members. May God richly bless your time together. And please know I am praying for you.
Grace and peace,
Bev Boyd