Joel Miles
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
2. Read Matthew 3:4-12. How does John prepare peoples hearts for God's salvation to arrive? How would you characterize the purpose of John's baptism?
3. Why do you think John prepares people's hearts for God's salvation to come by calling on people to repent, and to confess their sins?
4. Read Matthew 3:13-17. Why is it significant that Jesus was willing to baptized into John's baptism? How do you think this fulfills all righteousness? How does this show us what Jesus has done for us?
5. Read Matthew 28:5-7 and 16-20. According to these verses, why has "all authority in heaven and earth been given to Jesus?" Why is it important that the worldwide mission of the church begins with Jesus first saying that he rules over everything?
6. What is baptism about in these verses?
7. What is the proper response to these verses? What can you rightly respond to Jesus? How can you encourage others to rightly respond?
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