To Proclaim and Practice the Living Christ
Acts 1:9-26
October 27, 2024
Terry Sanderson
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
Read Acts 1:9-26.
Obstacles to Witnessing for Jesus
- What specific things in your life hinder you from being an effective witness for Jesus?
How Do You See the World?
- Do you see the world as more antagonistic towards Jesus or more desperate for Him?
- If you saw the world as desperate for Jesus, how would that shift your approach to sharing His message?
Motives for Loving Jesus
- Judas followed Jesus for what he could get, while the disciples loved Jesus for who He is. Which one best reflects your relationship with Jesus?
- How does this show up in the way you live your life?
The Power of Prayer
- If just 12 minutes of daily prayer can reshape your brain and transform your life, what keeps you from making prayer a priority?
- What practical steps could you take to overcome those obstacles?
Sharing Your Walk with Jesus
- As you walk with Jesus today, what part of your experience with Him could you share and proclaim to others?
Making Time for God's Word
- If you’re not reading the Bible at least four days a week, what would need to change in your schedule or habits to make that possible?