To Proclaim and Practice the Living Christ
Acts 1:6-8
October 20, 2024
Trish Haq
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
- What do you think is accomplished when the church meets together on Sunday mornings? Why do we do this each week? In what ways do you value this opportunity to gather as a community? Do you think you ever take it for granted?
- Read Acts 1:6-8 together. Take a moment to share any thoughts you have about this passage. What do you notice? Does it stir any questions?
- What do you think the disciples meant by their question in verse 6? (“Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”). What do you think the answer Jesus offered to them reveals?
- Jesus predicted that the Apostles would be His witnesses to Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. This movement can be traced throughout the book of Acts, with the message going forth into the world as far as Rome by the end of the book. What is the significance of this movement?
- Reflect together on the word “Witness”. Can you think of some examples of how this word is used in society today? Can you think of any examples in your own life where a witness was needed?
- In what way were the Apostles qualified to be Jesus’ witnesses?
- What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the gospel going out to all the earth?
- What qualifies us to be Jesus’ witnesses today?
- Jesus spent a lot of time with the disciples teaching them about the Kingdom of God. What is so important about this concept? How does it relate to the disciple’s role as witnesses?
- In what ways do you find it easy or difficult to share your faith with others?
- Can you share an example of:
a. When someone shared about Jesus with you?
b. When you had the opportunity to share about Jesus with someone else?
c. A time where you wonder if you might have missed the opportunity to share about Jesus with someone?
d. A moment where the gathered church served as a witness of who Jesus is, what he has done, and what he is continuing to do in our world?
12. In what ways can we live out this call to be witnesses individually? In what ways can we do this together?
13. What role does the gathered church have in being a witness of Jesus to the world?
Pray for one another out of the points discussed. Ask for God’s Spirit to work in and through each one of you, that you would be equipped and empowered to be a witness of all that Jesus has done and is doing. Pray for our church, that together, we would reflect a foretaste of the Kingdom of God, through who we are when we gather.