Your Kingdom Come—The Gospel of Matthew
What do you Treasure? (Matthew 6:19-34)
Matt Loveday
February 5, 2023
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
- When you think of the “treasures” of your life, what kinds of things come to mind? Why do these things hold such value for you?
- In Jesus’ teaching on righteous living, he reframes our understanding of the law by challenging us to see beyond the letter of the law and think deeper about the spirit of the law. Read Matthew 6:1-18. What similarities do you see in how Jesus challenges our understanding of the religious practices of giving, praying and fasting?
- Discuss what is significant to you about the statement “the kingdom of God is not built upon performance, but upon priority.”
- Read Matthew 6:19-24. Do these verses reveal some tension in you about how to live as a citizen of heaven, but resident of the earth? Discuss some examples of how you navigate this tension.
- In the sermon, the realities of worry and fear were discussed as barriers we often face to investing our lives more fully into the kingdom of God. (Having a “scarcity mindset” that says, “I don’t have enough” and an “insecurity mindset” that says, “I am not enough”) How have you seen these realities at play in your life and in the world around you?
- Read Matthew 6:25-33. When in your life have you known God to provide and care for you in the midst of your worry and fear? What current worry or fear are you carrying that you need to trust God with?
- What lessons in life and faith is God teaching you through this message that you can apply to your life this week?
Prayer and Action Item
Take a few moments to read and reflect on Matthew 6:33 and ponder what it means to seek the kingdom of God above all else. Are there areas of your life where living rightly in God’s kingdom needs to become your first priority? Take a moment to confess these to God and ask for wisdom as you seek to live righteously in all areas of your life.