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Acts 6:8 - 8:3

Joel Miles • February 14, 2025

Acts 6:8 - 8:3

Date: February 16, 2025

Speaker: Joel Miles

Stephen’s Identity and Opposition (Acts 6:8-15)

  1. Who is Stephen, according to these verses and Acts 6:1-7?
  2. How is Stephen similar to the “members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen”?
  3. Why would Hellenistic Jews come to live in Jerusalem, and why is that significant in this passage?
  4. What accusations do they bring against Stephen, and how do these relate to their reasons for living in Jerusalem?

Stephen’s Defense: God’s Work Beyond Israel (Acts 7:1-8)

  1. Why does Stephen call God the “God of glory”?
  2. Why does Stephen emphasize that God appeared to Abraham in Mesopotamia?
  3. How else does Stephen highlight God’s work outside of Israel in Abraham’s story?

Joseph: A Rejected but Chosen Deliverer (Acts 7:9-19)

  1. What key details of Joseph’s life does Stephen highlight?

Moses: Another Rejected Deliverer (Acts 7:20-39)

  1. What aspects of Moses’ life does Stephen emphasize?
  2. How does Stephen use the stories of Abraham, Joseph, and Moses to challenge his accusers?
  3. How does Acts 7:47-53 drive Stephen’s message home?
  4. How does Stephen use Joseph and Moses—both rejected saviors—to point to Jesus?
  5. What is the core message Stephen is making to his accusers?

Idolatry and the Blindness to Jesus

  1. How does this passage show that even good things, like the Temple, can become idols?
  2. How do idols prevent people from recognizing Jesus' work?
  3. What are some things in your life that you are in danger of turning into idols?
  4. What good things are you tempted to make ultimate things?
  5. What would it take to surrender these idols for the sake of knowing Jesus more deeply?
  6. How can others support and encourage you in this?
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