Loving Them Until the End
Joel Miles
June 25, 2023
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
- Read John 13:1. John 13:1 is a transition verse that introduces us to a new section in the Gospel of John, the “hour” of Jesus’ passion/crucifixion, that goes all the way from John 13:1 through John 19:42. Why do you think it is important to see Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet as part of the crucifixion narrative?
- Read John 13:2-5. In these verses, we see that because (“So…” in verse 4) of Judas’ impending betrayal and Jesus’ knowledge of his authority over all things, Jesus took the form of a servant/slave to wash his disciples’ feet. What are the implications for our understanding of power, authority, and God?
- How should this picture of authority and power reshape our understanding of how we exercise power and authority?
- Read John 13:6-11. Why could Peter not accept Jesus’ washing of his feet?
- In what ways do you struggle to embrace the grace of God given to us through Jesus’ death on the cross?
- Read John 13:12-17. Why is it important for us to notice the order of Jesus first washing our feet before we wash others?
- Verse 14 shows us that Jesus washes the disciples/our feet without the need for reciprocation to himself but rather with a call for us to wash others’ feet. How is it possible for us to imitate this when we normally want reciprocation?
For some help and guidance in how to do this well, check out: