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Jonah 1

Joel Miles • September 8, 2024

Jonah & The Offensive Grace of God

Jonah 1

September 8, 2024

Joel Miles

Jonah 1:1-2

1. Initial Impressions: What surprises you about the abrupt introduction to the Book of Jonah?

  • Why do you think the abruptness might be significant?
  • How is this similar to other abrupt callings in Scripture, like Genesis 12:1-3?

2. God's Choice: Why does God choose Jonah for this mission?

  • What might this reveal about Jonah’s character or his relationship with God?
  • Why do you think God sends Jonah specifically to Nineveh?

Jonah 1:3

3. Jonah's Reaction: What do you think motivated Jonah to run away from God's command to go to Nineveh?

  • Reflect on what you might have done in Jonah's situation.

Jonah 1:4-6

4. God’s Care for All People: What does this scene reveal about Jonah's attitude towards the Gentile sailors?

  • What does God’s action of sending the storm indicate about His care for the Ninevites, Jonah, and the sailors?

Jonah 1:7-16

5. Understanding God's Name: The term “LORD” used here is actually “Yahweh,” God’s personal name. How does knowing this change our understanding of what’s happening in this scene?

  • How does this highlight the transformation that occurs for the sailors?

6. The Role of the Storm: What is the significance of Jonah being thrown into the sea for the sake of the sailors?

  • How does God sending the storm underscore the nature of His grace toward both Jonah and the Ninevites?

7. Foreshadowing of Christ: How does Jonah’s willingness to be cast into the sea for the sailors’ and Nineveh's sake foreshadow what Christ has done for us on the cross?

  • In what ways is Jonah’s experience similar to and different from Christ’s sacrifice?
  • How does this emphasize God’s radical grace for His creation?
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