Suffering Glory
Hebrews 5 & 6
Joel Miles
April 21, 2024
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
- Read Hebrews 5:11. What is this verse referring to? In other words, what does the context tell us the author to the Hebrews desires to expand on?
- Why is the author hesitant to expand on what he has just said? Read Hebrews 5:11-14. What do these verses show us the author believes should be happening for those who are followers of Jesus?
- How does 6:1-3 continue the point the author has been making? What are these “foundational” teachings referring to?
- In light of what you discussed concerning 5:11, what does it mean to “move beyond” or “be taken forward to maturity”? Why is it important to see that the author is calling the readers toward a deeper encounter with God?
- Read 6:4-8. The word we translate as “fall away” literally means “to fail to follow through on a commitment.” In context, it seems to make the most sense that the “failed commitment” is through the readers unwillingness to “mature” toward a deeper encounter with Jesus. How does this help us understand these verses? How does it show us the importance of continually seeking to mature and be more deeply formed?
- Read Hebrews 6:9-12. What is the authors hope for the readers? Is this something you are willing to commit to? How can you as a group encourage one another to be more deeply formed to encounter Jesus?
- Read Hebrews 6:13-20. How does this give us hope? How does this show us it is worth seeking to mature and grow?
- Spend time in prayer together to be able to mature and grow in our love and experience of God.