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Hebrews 2

Trish Haq • February 25, 2024

Suffering Glory

Hebrews 2

Trish Haq

February, 25 2024

With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:


  1. Read Hebrews 2:5-9. What stands out to you from these verses? What questions do they bring up in your mind?
  2. Hebrews 2:6-9 quotes Psalm 8. Read this Psalm together, and share your thoughts about the ideas this Psalm expresses. What does it say about God? What does it say about humanity?
  3. Hebrews 2:8 points towards the idea that although humans were created to rule over creation, we do not see this happening. In what ways do you think this is true? In what ways has humanity failed to fulfil their first commission, given in Genesis, to rule as God’s representatives over creation?
  4. Have a look at the references to the angels in Hebrews 1: 4, 2:7, and 2:9. What do these verses tell us about Jesus, and about humanity?
  5.  Next read Hebrews 2:10-13. In what ways are the familial references significant here (sons and daughters, of the same family, brothers and sisters)?
  6. What has your experience of family been like in your own life? Are there things about your family that make you proud to be connected with them? Are there things that sometimes cause you to want to distance yourself from them?
  7. In what ways is it significant that Jesus is not ashamed of humanity? Is it meaningful to you as you reflect on this truth? Why might this have been significant to the community Hebrews was writing to (hint: they may have been struggling with how their association with Jesus resulted in marginalization and lowered status in society)
  8. What do the Old Testament quotes found in verses 12-13 reveal about Jesus?
  9. Hebrews 2 teaches that Jesus became fully human in order to taste death for everyone, and that “by his death he might break the power of death…and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by the fear of death” (v. 14-15). How do you think a fear of death enslaves, and impacts the way that we live? In what way do you think Jesus’ death and resurrection has the power to free us from this fear?
  10. In what ways does it encourage you to know that because Jesus became fully human, he has compassion and understanding for us in our struggles and temptations?


Pray for each other out of the points discussed. Pray that each one of you would be freed from the fear of death that causes us to cling to the temporary things of this world. Pray that each of you would find hope in the promise of God’s eternal kingdom, and joy in participating in God’s redemptive work. Pray that each of you would be comforted in knowing the compassion and understanding that Jesus has for you in the midst of the challenges, suffering or temptations that you are facing in your lives today.

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