For All Generations To Come
Genesis 11
Joel Miles
February, 11 2024
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
- Summarize the story of Genesis 1-11 as best you can. As you do so, discuss the role of humanity as given to us at the beginning of creation (see Gen. 1:26-28). Also, list the different promises from God that we have seen in Genesis 1-11.
- Read Genesis 3:15. Why do you think God promised that “a seed of the woman” would crush the head of the serpent? In other words, why did he promise for humanity for be involved in reversing sin and death? How does this relate to the purpose of humanity as given to us in Genesis 1:26-28.
- By the time we reach the end of the story of the tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9), everything has reversed. Humans are no longer instruments for God’s story, but humans are trying to use God for their own story, and thus are punished by being scattered. With how bad things feel at the end of 11:1-9, what do you think is the purpose of the fairly long genealogy from 11:10-26? What about 11:27-32, that speaks of a broken family with a lot of pain?
- With what you just discussed in question 3, why should God speaking in Genesis 12:1 feel like a relief? Why do you think it is important that nothing about Abram’s life prompts God to do this?
- What does God call on Abram to do?
- What does God promise Abram he will do for him?
- What is the purpose of God doing this for Abram? How does this purpose connect with Genesis 1-11?
- How does this better help us understand the purpose of the people of God throughout the Bible?
- Read Galatians 3:8-9 and 3:36-29. If we have been brought into the blessing of Abram through Jesus Christ, what does that mean for our lives? How are not just saved by Jesus from something, but for something?
- How does this relate to the purpose/mission of the church? How can we as a church spread the blessing of Christ to others, so that they might know the glorious love of Jesus Christ?