Genesis 1:1-2:3
Trish Haq
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
5. Reflect together on what it means to ‘be like’ someone. Think about all aspects of ourselves, from our physical features, to our
thoughts, attitudes, and behaviours.
6. Now, what meaning do you make of the idea that humanity was made in God’s image? What does it mean that we have been made in His image?
7. On the 7th day God rested, and in Exodus, when the law was given to the people, they were instructed to also rest by keeping the Sabbath day holy. Why is this holy rest important? Do we maintain our inherent value as ones created by God, in His image, when we stop and rest? What does this tell us about our worth?
8. Having a sense of purpose is also an important part of being human. Read through Genesis 1:26-2:4 again. What purpose does this text suggest we have, as God’s image bearer’s to the world?
9. In what ways do you think you are called to participate creatively in God’s redemptive Kingdom work in the world?
Prayer and Action Item
Pray for one another out of the key points that were discussed. As you pray, take time to stop and be still, and understand your inherent value as one who has been created in God’s image with great purpose. Pray for one another, asking for wisdom and understanding about what it looks like for each of you to uniquely live out this purpose, to rule and reign as God’s representative in the world. Ask God to guide you as you seek to participate meaningfully in the work of expanding God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. Give thanks for the hope that we have in knowing that the unfinished story of God and the world is moving towards a good and beautiful finish as the fullness of God’s intended purpose for creation will one day be realized.
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