Genesis & The Story of Creation: See That It Was Good
Genesis 1:1-5
Joel Miles
September 3, 2023
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
- Read Genesis 1:1. The first phrase in the Bible comes from one hebrew word and is translated as "In the beginning." This word is not only meant to mean the beginning of something in general, but the beginning of something that has an ending -- in order words, it implies a story. Why is it significant that the Bible begins by introducing us to the true story of the world?
- Other creation accounts at this time often depicted gods before the word came into being fighting against one another, and through their war the earth was created. How is Genesis 1:1 different? What difference does it make that God has no rivals and purposely chose to create?
- Read Genesis 1:3-5. Why is it important that God spoke creation into being?
- Why is it significant that God saw that it was good? What does this show us about God's desire for creation?
- Read John 1:1-18. What do you notice? How does this relate to Genesis 1:1-5?