Amen! - Prayers of the Scriptures
Mark 10:46-52
Trish Haq
With a friend, your family or in your small group, discuss the following questions:
· Praise & Adoration – I love you
· Confession – I’m sorry
· Lament – Why?
· Illumination – I’m listening
· Petition – Help!
· Thanksgiving – Thank you
· Service & Offering – What can I do?
· Blessing – Bless them
4. What’s one thing you would like to do this summer to expand your prayer life and deepen your relationship with God?
5. Read the story of Blind Bartimaeus together (Mark 10:46-52). What stands out to you or speaks to your heart as you read this story?
6. Examine the passages leading up to this story (starting at Mark 10:13). What connections do you see between Bartimaeus’ story, and what comes before it? (The Little Children and Jesus, The Rich and the Kingdom of God, Jesus Predicts His Death, The Request of James and John)
7. What does the story of Bartimeus reveal to us about prayer, specifically, prayers of petition (help!).
8. Reflect on this question that Jesus asked Bartimaeus: What do you want me to do for you? What needs would you like to be praying about in this season of your life?
9. Reflect on Bartimaeus’ response to Jesus: I want to see. In what ways might this be a prayer that you also need to pray? Is there spiritual blindness that might require God to open your eyes to see?
Pray for each other out of the points discussed. Ask God to deepen and expand your prayer lives. Bring your needs before him and pray for one another out of what needs were shared in the discussion time. Ask God to open your eyes to see more clearly, and invite Him to reshape your longings and your loves as you share your hearts with him through prayer.
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