7. Why are these requests remarkable? (hint – consider the situation the disciples faced that led to this moment of prayer, found in Acts 3 and 4). What might we have expected them to pray for? What do you think you would have prayed, if you were in their situation?
8. What does this prayer reveal about how the disciples understood the opposition and challenges they were faced
with? In what ways does this challenge your own understanding of how to pray amidst the difficulties and challenges you might face in your own life?
9. As you think about the disciples unwavering resolve to share the good news with others, are you encouraged or inspired or challenged to participate more deeply in the mission to proclaim and practice the living Christ, so that the world may know and encounter Jesus? What steps can you take?
Pray for one another out of the things that you have shared. Pray especially for God to guide and direct your prayers, and that God would help each one of you to have boldness and courage to boldly live out the mission to proclaim Jesus in the ways that God is calling you to.
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